What to do in Terracina: sights and beaches
Terracina: sights and beaches

What to do in Terracina: sights and beaches

Terracina is a small Italian resort founded by the Romans. In a week here you can swim in the sea, find ancient ruins, make friends with local cats and eat excellent pizza.
The streets of the old town
The streets of the old town
Streets of modern Terracina
Streets of modern Terracina


Terracina is divided into two parts: the old town, located on the mountain, and the modern resort part, located along the sea. Terracina’s excellent sandy beaches stretch for a good 15 km. Along the seafront there is entertainment for all tastes: bars, restaurants, discos, shopping centers, boat trips and diving at any time of day. For those for whom even this is not enough, they organize excursions to the neighboring water park.

The city beaches are mostly owned by hotels. There are both paid and free beaches in the city. Both are good. Most beaches offer sunbeds and umbrellas for rent for 3—5 euros per hour.

The sand on the beaches is fine, golden. The current near the shore is fast, so children should be carefully watched. At the same time, the shore is gentle, which makes the water warms up well.

Towards Sperlonga stretches a long beach for 18 km, known since ancient times.

Sandy beaches of Terracina
Sandy beaches of Terracina
Terracina beaches
Terracina beaches

A resort with history

The Romans were the first to vacation in this area. Terracina was a lively place even in those times: a large marina on the shore of the Tyrrhenian Sea, through which passed the Appian Way, the main trade route of ancient Rome. The glorious history of the city is reminded by the many antique monuments that have survived.

View of the city from Mount St. Angelus
View of the city from Mount St. Angelus
Terracina from above
Terracina from above

Temple of Jupiter of Anxur (Tempio di Giove Anxur)

The ruins of the temple are located on a hill that offers a breathtaking view of the city and the bay. It’s worth the climb for that alone. You can reach the temple by a long and winding road or a short but steep path on foot. If you choose the second option, it is better to wear long pants. The path is overgrown with thorny bushes, and it is easy to cut your legs on it.

  • Open: Mon — Fri 9:00 — 13:00, 14:00 — 17:00
  • Price: 6 €
  • Website
The road to the temple of Jupiter
The road to the temple of Jupiter
The Temple of Jupiter of Anxur
The Temple of Jupiter of Anxur
What to do in Terracina: sights and beaches

Ruins of the forum and the arch on the Appian Way (Antico Complesso Monumentale del Foro Emiliano)

If you’re not up for heroic feats and don’t want to climb the mountain, you can find ancient ruins in the old town itself. The remains of the city walls, the enclosed ruins of the forum with one surviving column and the archway on the Appian Way will tell you about the city’s Roman past.

Antique arch
Antique arch
Ruins of the Emiliev Forum
Ruins of the Emiliev Forum

Palazzo Venditti (Palazzo Venditti)

The Gothic-style Palazzo Venditti is also located here in Piazza Municipio, the city’s main square. The palace was built on the site of an ancient arch, one of the entrances to the forum. During the Middle Ages, the building served as the town hall.

Torre Frumentaria «dei Rosa» (Torre Frumentaria «dei Rosa»)

The Torre Frumentaria (Italian for «grain tower») belonged to the Rosa family in the Middle Ages. It is now home to the city’s Pio Capone Archaeological Museum. Pio Capone Archaeological Museum.

Museo Civico Archeologico «Pio Capponi». Museo Civico Archeologico «Pio Capponi» (Museo Civico Archeologico «Pio Capponi»):

  • Open: Tue — Fri 09:00 — 13:00 and 15:00 — 20:00
  • Address: Piazza Municipio, 7, 04019 Terracina LT
  • Price: 5 € (under 18 and over 65 free of charge)
  • Website

Cathedral of St. Cesareo (Duomo di Terracina — Concattedrale di San Cesareo)

The medieval Cathedral of St. Caesarea is built on what remains of the ancient Roman temple of Augustus. In the eleventh century, the first conclave outside Rome was held here. Inside is quiet, calm and deserted. Tourists are accompanied by skeletons under the dome.

  • Admission is free
  • Address: Piazza Municipio, 19, 04019 Terracina LT
What to do in Terracina: sights and beaches

Where to eat

Terracina is full of traditional Italian restaurants that are definitely worth a visit. Pizza, pasta, traditional antipasti appetizers and, of course, seafood dishes. At the foot of the hill on which the old town is located, you can taste seafood at quite reasonable prices in one of the fish cooperatives. One of the most famous is located on the banks of the canal.

Restaurant Centro di Ristorazione della Cooperativa dei Pescatori di Terracina

  • Open: october — pt 07:30 — 23:00, sat 07:30 — 23:30
  • Address: Via, Lungolinea Pio VI, 1, 04019 Terracina LT
  • Website

Walk along the canal towards the sea and you will find another nice seafood restaurant, La Sirena.

Caffetteria La Sirena-La Fraschetta del Porto

  • Works 24 hours a day
  • Address: Via Cristoforo Colombo, 20/22, 04019 Terracina LT

If you love brownies, be sure to visit Pasticceria Somma and try their hot chocolate dessert.

Pasticceria Somma

  • Open: Mon-Fri 07:00 — 00:00, Sat 07:00 — 03:00, Sun 07:00 — 13:30, 17:00 — 00:00
  • Address: Via Ponte Rosso km 101, 500, 04019 Terracina LT
  • Website

Where to go for a day trip

The presence of a railroad station in the city and established bus service provides ample opportunities for day trips around the area.


Sperlonga has long been transformed from a small fishing village into a full-fledged resort town where you can walk and sunbathe on the beach. Just half an hour by bus and you’re there. On this site it is convenient to plan a route, and here you can always check the current bus schedule. And here you can read more about the city.


A little further south of Terracina on the coast is the larger Gaeta. Among its attractions are a Gothic cathedral, a medieval fortress and a NATO naval base. Itinerary and timetables are available on the same websites.


A visit to the Pontic Islands stands out, as you have to get there by ferry. Ferry prices and schedules are available on this website. You can also buy a ticket there. Diving, snorkeling, swimming in crystal clear water, boat trips and simply beautiful views of the bay are what attracts tourists to Ponza.

And most importantly

Check out the website of the city municipality to better prepare for your trip, think in advance about the routes of walks and trips out of the city. Once you’ve arrived in Terracina, forget about it all. Walk in the old town, accidentally bumping into picturesque ancient ruins, look at medieval walls, make friends with cats basking in the sun (and there are plenty of them here). And then go down to the lower town to eat the gifts of the sea, and swim in it, and maybe dive with scuba diving. By the way, the beaches of Terracina both in the east and in the west received the blue flag in 2019.

Cats feel like masters of the Old Town
Cats feel like masters of the Old Town
A portrait of a cat on the wall of a house in Old Town
A portrait of a cat on the wall of a house in Old Town

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