How to get from Chefchaouen to Rabat, Tetouan, Fez, Tangier

How to get from Chefchaouen to Rabat, Tetouan, Fez, Tangier

Getting to Chefchaouen by public transportation is only half the quest. When you get off the bus, do not go to your hotel, but to the station ticket office: Chefchaouen will wait for you, but the return ticket may not.

To find out how to get to Chefchaouen, see here.

This is Morocco, so planning in advance for the return journey from Chefchaouen can be a challenge: up-to-date and accurate information is simply not available online. Chefchaouen station and smaller bus companies don’t have websites, and STM won’t take you everywhere and not always at a convenient time. For example, the STM flight to Rabat from Chefchaouen leaves at 8am, depriving you of the opportunity to enjoy the lazy morning medina.

One would think that Shefchaouen is such a remote province, hard to get to and even harder to get out of. However, no. Traffic out of Chefchaouen is quite heavy for a small town by local standards. Here are the major cities with which Chefchaouen has a direct connection, as of 2019:

  1. Tetouan: 25 flights, every half hour.
  2. Tangier: 7 flights, approximately every 2 hours.
  3. Fez: 11 flights a day
  4. Casablanca: 4 flights, morning only.
  5. Rabat: 8 flights per day, the last one at 15.00
  6. Meknes: 5 flights per day, the last one at 15.00.

Times are approximate, be sure to check when you arrive at the station. Inside the Shefchaouen station building there is a board with departure times for all buses:

Schedule board
Schedule board
If you have a more recent photo of the schedule board, please send it to us so we can update the information.

Each bus company has a separate ticket office, with their schedules hanging above them.

I have photographed all the flight schedules from Shawen for 2019 of Nejme Chamal, Al Wissam Addahabi and CTM buses.

Schedule Al Wissam Addahabi
Schedule Al Wissam Addahabi
Nejme Chamal schedule
Nejme Chamal schedule
CTM Schedule
CTM Schedule

In addition to these companies, there are always buses with driver-hostesses at Chavin station — you can buy your ticket directly from them. These buses leave within the next 15—30 minutes. In the low season there are always seats available.

If you’re not strapped for time and are willing to take risks, you have several times more options than tourists like me, who plan itineraries in advance to the nearest hour.