Don’t be surprised if the waiter or vendor asks you «what kind of khachapuri» in response to your request for khachapuri? There are so many varieties that sometimes even the locals don’t answer right away.
Khachapuri in Adjarian style
Some of the most popular are Adjara khachapuri. Their homeland is believed to be Adjara, the western part of Georgia. Outside of Georgia, it is often referred to as «boat». Indeed, the shape resembles a boat that is filled with cheese. This khachapuri is only served freshly baked.

The cost of khachapuri in Adjara style:
- 7—8 lari is small;
- 9—10 GEL — medium;
- 11—12 is a giant.
Before ordering, you can ask for no egg or oil to be added, depending on your individual preferences. Almost everywhere there is also a vegetarian option, with lobio (beans) filled with spices.

Khachapuri in Imereti style
The homeland of this khachapuri is Imeretia, one of the western regions of Georgia. It is the simplest version — a flatbread with cheese inside.
Unlike Adjara khachapuri, Imereti khachapuri can also be bought in street bakeries, of which there are many inTbilisi. The locals know where the tastiest ones are. So if you want to enjoy the taste of classic khachapuri, and you are not accompanied by a knowledgeable guide, it is better to order it in a restaurant or khachapurna. Or use my map at the end of the article.
The difference in price compared to street bakeries is significant, but for the sake of flavor it is worth paying more. Served in 3 sizes — 4, 6 and 8 slices.
The price of Imereti khachapuri:
- in a street bakery: 2.5—3 GEL;
- in a restaurant or khachapurna: 8—10 GEL.

Khachapuri in Mengrelian style
Very similar to Imereti khachapuri, with the difference that in the Mengrelian version there is cheese on the surface of the flatbread. It looks appetizing, like a golden fried crust.
Delicious even when cooled. Bake in two sizes: for 6 and 8 slices.
- in a street bakery: 3 lari;
- in a restaurant or khachapurna: 8—12 GEL.

Khachapuri on a spit
In Georgian it sounds like «khachapuri on a skewer».
This is how it is served — hot from the fire, right on the spit. A piece of suluguni is strung on it, wrapped in dough like a «pipe» cake. Usually served only in restaurants, but not in all of them. The size is such that one is enough for two people.
- Price: 11—12 GEL.

Layered khachapuri (penovani)
In Georgia, it is called penovani. It is a small, quadruple folded square of puff pastry filled with cheese.
Never served in restaurants, only in khachapuras or street bakeries. The most inexpensive, but no less popular than the others.
- Price: 2.5 GEL.

The most difficult khachapuri to prepare. It consists of several layers of cooked dough, which are cooked separately.
Lay them out on a square baking tray, put cheese and butter between the layers and bake in the oven. When the surface is browned and the achma is ready, cut into equal squares directly on the tray.

This khachapuri is the most caloric, as it is literally soaked in butter and cheese. The size of the pieces is usually 10×10 cm.
- Price: 2.5—4 GEL.

Perhaps it is almost unrealistic to try all the varieties in one visit to Georgia. It is also difficult to advise which khachapuri to try first. I recommend to start with Adjarski khachapuri, after all, it is included in the Unesco lists of intangible heritage of Georgia. I can say one thing for sure — everything is delicious, try it.
Where to try khachapuri?
Khachapuri can be sampled in both restaurants and street bakeries. In the bakeries, the cooking is about the same, while in a restaurant the cook can add something original to the traditional recipe. Keep the list: these are the places where the locals prefer to go.
Khachapuri in Tbilisi
The main places in Tbilisi where you can eat khachapuri of all kinds are the Machakhela restaurant chain , which has branches all over the city. Imereti and Adjara-style khachapuri are especially good here.
Addresses of Machakhel branches in the center of Tbilisi:
- ul. Leselidze 26;
- K. Marjanishvili str. K. Marjanishvili 16;
- ul. Kostava 77.
The Shemoicheede Genatsvale chain has locations in Tbilisi and Batumi. Addresses in Tbilisi:
- ul. Pushkin 8;
- Chavchavadze Ave. 7;
- ul. Marjanishvili 5.
In addition, the khachapuri is excellent:
- «Puris Sakhli» («House of Bread»), v. Gorgasali str. 7;
- «Hinklis Sakhli», 37 Sh. Rustaveli Ave.
«Khachapurnaya N1», which has several branches, specializes in this very dish. Here you can try all variants of khachapuri. Addresses in the center of Tbilisi:
- 5 Sh. Rustaveli Ave. (KT «Rustaveli»);
- ul. Tvalchrelidze 2 (East Point shopping center);
- Sh. Rustaveli Ave. 2/4 (shopping center «Gallery»).
In Batumi, I recommend khachapuri:
- «Retro», 54/62 Z. Gorgiladze str;
- «Laguna», Z. Gorgildaze 18;
- Family cuisine restaurant «Tserodena», Melikishvili St., at the entrance to May 6 Park;
- «Shemoicheede Genatsvale», at 8/7 Zhordania Street.
Now, having tasted khachapuri in Georgia, you know how they should be. Come back for another serving!