Marseille-Avignon train
There are 2 types of trains from Marseille to Avignon: commuter trains (TER) and high-speed trains (TGV).
The train runs more often than the bus (every hour) and the travel time is shorter (about 1: 30, TGV — 34 minutes). The price is 15—25 €. Tickets can be bought at the ticket office or at a machine, with cash or card. Only chip cards are accepted.
Payment machines come in three colors: yellow, blue, red.
- The yellow SNCFs sell tickets all over Franzny and therefore there are always lines to get to them.
- Blue TERs are tickets for all regions of Provence, which also provokes a queue.
- The red vending machines only sell tickets for the Languedoc-Roussillon region, which includes Avignon. Because of their specialization, there are no queues at these machines
All trains depart from Marseille-St-Charles station and arrive at different stations in Avignon. TGV trains have their own stations and they are usually located outside the city center. In Avignon, for example, the Avignon TGV station is 2 km from the center.
Therefore, I advise you to take the regional train from Marseille to Avignon. It is three times slower, but it arrives at the central railway station Avignon Ville (Avignon Septge), located close to the old town. From here, the historic beauty of Avignon is just a short walk away.
Bus Marseille — Avignon
Two carriers operate buses between Avignon and Marseille:EurolinesandOuibus, each of them making several trips a day. The fare starts from 5 €. Travel time — from 1 to 2 hours. The cost depends on the time and day of the week. Travel on weekends and holidays will cost more. It is better to buy tickets in advance: it will be more profitable.
All buses leave Marseille from St. Charles bus station (Gare Routière Saint-Charles) and arrive also at the only Avignon station (Gare routiere-5 avenue Monclar).
Bus company websites:
Cover photo: Maria Barybina.